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ed. by Paul Majkut

Co-Ed. by Alberto J. L. Carrillo Canán,

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An anthology of essays delivered at the five annual conferences of the Outis Project on Deception, sponsored by the Society for Phenomenology and Media.

The essays included in this anthology are the result a research project sponsored by the Society for Phenomenology and Media (SPM). Delivered at meetings of the Outis Project on Deception at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (2002), Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2003), Jyväskylä University and the Haaga Institute, Helsinki, Finland (2005), and National University, San Diego, California (2006, 2007), these essays represent a range of approaches to questions of deception. They were originally published in the journal of the project, Outis: Deception.Topics and approaches range through animal behavior, anthropology, architecture, biology, computer-generated characters, cultural studies, cyberspace, education, epistemology, dance, film, history, imagination, literature, phenomenology, psychology, magic, media, naming, ontology, play, psychoanalysis, the tango, technology, television, and others. 


The title of the Project, “Outis,” is taken from Odysseus’ deceptive reply to Polyphemous while imprisoned in the Cyclops’ cave. When Polyphemous asks Odysseus his name, he replies, “Outis (Nobody).”The Outis Project was inspired by questions posed in Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations: How far can the transcendental ego be deceived about himself? And how far do those components extend that are absolutely indubitable, in spite of such possible deception?



Paul Majkut: Introduction 

  1. Monika Bakke: Transparent Body 

  2. Susana Raquel Barbosa: History and Deception from Machiavelli to Nietzsche

  3. Carlos A. Basch: Identity / Deception

  4. Tobias Borup: “The Arrival of a Train” and a New Aesthetic Principle 

  5. Melanie Bourdaa: Deception and Reality Shows

  6. Alberto J. L. Carrillo Canán: Media and Deception

  7. Kurt Cline: Magic and Legerdemain: The Wonder Worker behind the Charlatan’s Mask

  8. Oscar Conde: Deception out of Love in Tango Lyrics

  9. Tracy Powell Dalke: Deception in the Air: Rational Cognitive Survival

  10. Kathryn S. Egan: The Soul Factor: Deception in Intimations of Life in Computer-Generated Characters

  11. Esteban Garcia: The Tool as an Extension of the Body: Technological Illusion

  12. Maria Golaszewska: The Problem of Truth and Falsehood in the Anthroposphere

  13. Julia V. Iribarne: On Deception: A Phenomenological Approach

  14. Matti Itkonen: The Eidos-Ego in its Transparent Globe: The Impossibility of Consecutive Module Thinking in the Philosophy of Education

  15. Jussi Kotkavirta: But Is It Real? On Self-Deception and Derealization

  16. Paul Majkut: The Selflessness of Transcendental Deception

  17. Christopher Moffett: Sleight of Philosophy: Moving Between Wonder and Paranoia in Teaching and Learning

  18. Michaela Ott: Deception as a Way of Becoming a Political Agent

  19. Catherine Pascal: Disappointment and Virtuality: From Cyberspace to the Human Body: Imagination or Deception?

  20. Maria Cristina Reigadas: Deception as a Cultural Style: Some Reflections on Argentine Beliefs

  21. Victor Gerald Rivas: From Deception to Enlightenment: A Reflection on the Baroque Conception of Individual Life

  22. Dennis Skocz: Deception, Self-deception and the Play of Illusion

  23. Christina Smerick: Deception in the Classroom: Its Power, Locus, and Heuristic Intent

  24. Krystyna Wilkoszewska: On the Phenomenon of “Deception”: The Example of Odysseus

  25. Piotr Winskowski: Self-explanation of Deception in Temporal, Spatial Experience

  26. Raúl A. Yafar: Emptiness and Sense of the Name

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